Saturday, December 20, 2008

They never cease to amaze me!

Yes, we are talking about our esteemed congress critters. It would seem, that in this economic time of layoffs, cutbacks, and bailouts, they are taking yet another pay raise.

It was 'bad' when Enron and PG&E did it, but it's OK when it is congress...kind of like that illeagal Ponzy scheme we all know and love. If a person engages in it, it is bad, but if congress does it, and gives it a nifty little name like 'social security', it is OK.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

More of what we can expect from the new 'enforcement' arm.

The new administration (The Department of Defence does fall under the Executive Branch), has started to flesh out the new involvement of the military in civilian matters. Chilling if I do say so myself.

Also, what does everybody think about the policy of requiring everyone from middle school through college to perform 'community service'. I thought we had gotten rid of slavery in this country...I guess all we really did is change who the master was.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

A confession of weakness

I confess, I have been unable to carry through with the actions that I outlined in my open letter to the rich people of America. I still maintain that it is a sound idea, and would be effective in its means.

I can not hold the rich of America in contempt for being enablers, when I can follow through with my end.

However right I may find the tactic and concept, I can not bring myself to those actions over my own moral hang ups.

I now fall back to my last line of defense.

Now serving number next!

Nancy Pelosi has now assured that her 'mark' has been placed on the auto industry bailout. The auto industry has agreed to bend to the will of the government on 'green technologies'. Now that they are playing nice, Pelosi will give them some money. Anybody notice a pattern here?

Next! Who wants some government money!? All you have to do to qualify is...everything we tell you!

What is your bet as to the next 'industry' bailed out? I have heard some grumbling out of the airline industry of late. I think Americans have grown weary of the airlines bailouts, but congress may just have a list of demads that will let them belly up to the trough one more time.

Here is an about the energy industry? Crude oil is dropping like a rock. The oil companies got black eyes when they announced 'record profits' while everyone was paying nearly $5 per gallon for gas at the pump. Surely, they are getting ready to squeal. Can you imagine the energy industry, em masse, with the federal government's meat hooks into it? I can, and it's not pretty!

Who do you think is next?