Saturday, October 25, 2008

The economy....Recession/Depression

Let's face it. The economy has tanked. And to make matters worse, not only is it not over yet, but it will get worse before it gets better. And the getting better part, is AT LEAST 2 years in the future; probably longer.

We have been hearing words like 'fear' and 'worry'. Why? Are you fearful? Are you worried? Why? Spend some quite time with this question. Really, why are you worried? Worried about loosing the house? Worried about putting food on the table? Worried about this winter's heating bill? Car payment? What?

Perhaps I should avoid preaching here. Suffice it to be said that God will take care of those who love him....PERIOD!

As a nation, we have a solid foundation and framework, but we have allowed problems to seep in. We turned away from God, and when we did, the enemy was more than happy to step in.

Perhaps I will have more to say on this later. I just felt compelled to get this off of my chest. Let that which is corrupted around us fall, and rejoice in its falling. God is in the process of making some things right. We will all fill pain to one degree or another, because we have all bought into the lies of the enemy to one degree or another. Rejoice in the corrupt being torn down, and look forward to what God has planned to build in its place!

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