Saturday, November 15, 2008

An open letter to the 'rich' people of the United States of America

Dear 'rich' people,

First and foremost, I declare that I do not hold you in contempt. I do not envy your wealth, no matter how you got it. I hold no claim over your wealth.

We have elected a class of politicians who DO hold you in contempt. They DO envy your wealth, and they DO hold claim over you and the product of your God given talents and abilities. They have incited class warfare against you. Without you, they can not exist or function. It is this last point that I wish to hold council with you on.

This class of politician has risen to power, and plans to stay there my taking from you, and giving to everybody else. Three things must remain in place for them to continue to implement that plan successfully. First, you must continue to be there to provide them with the cash. Second, they must have the cash to redistribute. Third, there must someone to give the money to. Let us examine these in greater detail.

The third point is beyond our control. There will always be leeches eager to take that which they have no title to. There will be countless excuses for their 'need'. One excuse that will never be proposed for their need, however, will have anything to do with their own faulty actions. The number of this third element is a direct function of the availability of money to be taken. The more money, the more leeches. The less money, the fewer leeches. We can minimize them, but we can not eliminate them.

Now, let us examine you - the first element. For years now, you have stood by and watched politicians on both sides of the aisle, increasingly legislate you to shoulder larger and larger tax loads. This is money that you could have hired more people in your businesses with. You could have spent it on research and development. I'm sure some of it would have wound up in some very worthy charitable causes. Instead, it went to taxes, and a great deal of it wound up in the hands of the leeches. I personally know of one person that took her last 'economic stimulus check' and bought herself breast augmentation. I ask you, was that the most effecient use of your money? Think how much of your money went to buy beer, cigarettes, and big screen TV's that cost more than the apartment's monthly rent. Personally, I find it exceedingly ironic that money that may have gone to finding a cure for lung cancer, instead bought thousands of packs of cigarettes. That one makes you think, does it not? Some of you see what is ahead, and are acting accordingly. For the rest of you, how long will you enable this system to operate like this? Make no mistake, you are the enabler. Without you, they have no money to redistribute. Am I asking you to quit? No, not exactly. Have you thought of going on strike? Stop generating income. Stop creating the very environment that the socialists need to live. Some of you can afford to take a 4 year vacation. I hear the Bahamas are nice. However you deem it most effecient for you, I beg of you.....stop enabling the system. You are the 'good guy' giving the alcoholic a beer to 'take the edge off'. Stop.

The second element, the politicains, is where I come in, and the real reason for this letter. Even if you decide to continue to enable the system. It only works as long as there is money to go around. Either you choke off the supply, or they will bleed you dry. My intent is to do everything in my power to bankrupt them from the inside out. When the 'economic stimulus packages' come around, I will gladly take mine, and I will use it to make myself more independent of the system. I have come to the conclustion that the return to fiscal responsibility in government is now impossible, so they need to be bankrupted. I will vote for socialized medicine (even though I know the private sector handles it better), I will vote for increased social security benefits (even though I know it is a Ponzy Scheme). I will support everything that has the government spending money that they, in turn, have to get from you. I will do so, not because I think it is OK for them to take your money and give it to the likes of me, but because this is the power I have in fixing the system. I ask you to use your power to do the same. If we both exercise our powers, their socialist dream would collapse under its own weight in a matter of weeks to months and we could get back to the business of making things better through personal responsibility.

Now, I would like to address the 'non rich' who may happen upon this letter and read it. I ask you to join me. We are doing nothing illeagle. Take every 'government benefit' you are 'entitled' to, and help us bankrupt the system. Be carefull though! Do not become dependent of the 'benefits'! Use them to make yourself more independent of the corrupted system, lest you be hurt when it goes bankrupt!

It is time for the economic revolution. Let Freedom Ring!

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